Thursday, 12 February 2015

Week 1

As a student for Bachelor of Electrical Technology UNiKL BMI, we must undergo 2 semesters of final year project (FYP) to complete our studies. It is compulsory for us to complete these subjects in order for us to graduate. Each student supposed to present or select (proposed) their own FYP project title to their supervisor in order for the supervisor to guide them. First week is the time usually for the entire student must select the supervisor which going to guide them one whole semester. 
As for me, after searching supervisor which is Sir Ahmad Zaki bin Abdul Karim (AZAK) i have been assigned to develop wireless charger for mobile phone. Even though I feel like it will be a complicated journey, but I believe it still can be done. I've been told by my supervisor to do a blog to state what I've been researching for the projects. Therefore, this is my first step of my journey to complete the task given.

Mohd Syafiq Umran

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