Saturday, 28 February 2015

Week 3 : Wireless Power Transfer (non-radioative technique)

  1. To study on wireless power transfer 
  2. To investigate non-radioactive technique wireless power transfer
  3. To differentiate types of non-radioactive wireless power transfer

  1. By making some research on internet
  2. Get assist from lecturer
  3. Below are the attachment detail on non-radioactive wireless power transfer



For this week, I more focused on the non-radioactive wireless power transfer technique, because it is the method that I will be using in my final year project. Non-radioactive wireless power transfer are consist of three methods of coupling which are inductive coupling, capacitive coupling and also magnetodynamic coupling. Inductive coupling or electrodynamic induction is the near field wireless transmission of electrical energy between two magnetically coupled coils that are part of resonant circuits tuned to resonate at the same frequency. This process occurs in a resonant transformer, an electrical component which consists of two high Q coils wound on the same core with capacitors connected across the windings to make two coupled LC circuits. Resonant transfer works by making a coil ring with an oscillating current. This generates an oscillating magnetic field. Because the coil is highly resonant, any energy placed in the coil dies away relatively slowly over very many cycles; but if a second coil is brought near it, the coil can pick up most of the energy before it is lost, even if it is some distance away. Meanwhile capacitive coupling is the transfer of energy within an electrical network by means of the capacitance between circuit nodes. This coupling can have an intentional or accidental effect. Capacitive coupling is typically achieved by placing a capacitor in series with the signal to be coupled. Lastly, magnetodynamic coupling is a power that being generated by two motors that rotate synchronously paired by a magnetic field that being generated by permanent magnet. The receiver armature is turned by the existence of the transmitter magnetic field. The magnetic field acts as a mechanical coupling between armatures. The receiver armature then produces power as it is being turn by the transmitter armature.

Friday, 20 February 2015

Week 2 : What is Wireless Power Transfer


  1. To investigate on what is wireless power transfer
  2. To study how wireless power transfer works


  1. By making some research about wireless power transfer
  2. Attachment below are some of the research that I have found



As for this week, I can conclude that wireless power transfer is a transmission of electrical power from the transmitter to receiver without using any wire or solid conductors. The transmitter is connected to the power source and transmitted the energy by using electromagnetic field by using air as a medium transmitter to the receiver. It has 2 categories which are non-radioactive and radioactive power transfer. Non-radioactive can transmit power only in a short range meanwhile radioactive power transfer can transmit the power in a long range or also know as beam the power.

Thursday, 12 February 2015

Week 1

As a student for Bachelor of Electrical Technology UNiKL BMI, we must undergo 2 semesters of final year project (FYP) to complete our studies. It is compulsory for us to complete these subjects in order for us to graduate. Each student supposed to present or select (proposed) their own FYP project title to their supervisor in order for the supervisor to guide them. First week is the time usually for the entire student must select the supervisor which going to guide them one whole semester. 
As for me, after searching supervisor which is Sir Ahmad Zaki bin Abdul Karim (AZAK) i have been assigned to develop wireless charger for mobile phone. Even though I feel like it will be a complicated journey, but I believe it still can be done. I've been told by my supervisor to do a blog to state what I've been researching for the projects. Therefore, this is my first step of my journey to complete the task given.

Mohd Syafiq Umran